Gold king Group is big modern furniture enterprise which located in houjie town dong guan kown as "Furniture captial of china " years research and deveopment ,we have capacity of more than 10 production line with annual sales amount more than 10 million US dollar. Our group now has over 300 skilled staffs and has become the leader company in the stainless stell furniture industry.Our group including three branch company:Dongguan guangjin household prouducts Co.,Ltd,which was established in mar., 2011 mainy doing the stainless steel furniture to match the hotel project and doing the customized furniture from customers.Dong guan guangjin Household products Co.,Ltd,which was eatablished in Mar.,2013,mainly doing the mass products and develop the new styles of living room and doing room stainless steel furniture.Dong guan Goldking industrial Co., Ltd, which was which was eatablished in Mar.,2015,,mainly doing the mass products and develop stainless steel furniture.
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