Yongkang Nengfeng Hardware Manufacture Co., Ltd. is located in China Hardware Capital City Yong Kang. Our founder history started over 20 years ago as a mold maker and learned all parts of the business, and had a dream to have our own factory. Quality and trust are the most important part of building our successful business. We realize that during the years' work in the factory, too many factory owners only believe in the current orders and not developing long term relationships. We have based our business on long term relationships throughout the world. We love April and October especially, since we are able to see our friends and business associates face to face from all parts of the world.We separate ourselves from the competition by doing the following: We will never make a commitment to you that we cannot keep. This is as important or more than just price. You will notice our price is as competitive as anyone in the industry but we give you Quality, Promptness and Honesty.
Company Information
Business License:Audited
Main Products:
Coolers, Picnicware & Water Storage
Service Area:Provide services for 57 Countries/RegionsView MoreHide
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