A leading bathroom and kitchen furnishing supplier with over 30 years history & 9,000 staff.1. leader sanitary ware manufacturers in China ---Number of personnel around 9000 ---17 gas tunnel kilns, output 9 million annual 2. Complete & Various Products ---Sanitary Ware ---Ceramic Tile ---Faucets & Accessories ---Shower & Bathtub ---Bathroom Funiture More than 200 varieties 3. Advanced Mechanism & Strong R&D capacity ---158 Technician Own In HUIDA ---Engaged Designers From Qinghua University ---Engaged Designers From Korea4. Skilled marketing strategy ---setting worldwide sales network (more than 90 countries and regions) ---TV advertising, building magazine, newspaper and so on in over side 5.Huida Certification ---Korean ks Certificate ---Australia SAI Certificate ---U.S.A UPC Certificate ---Canada CSA Certificate ---Kiwa Certificate from Holand ---CE CertificateIn the future:Our vision is to create a glory century enterprisewith billions of sales and to improve a better life for people of all ranks
Company Information
Business License:Audited
Main Products:
Toilet Bidets
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Mandarin(Chinese), English
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Chinese, English
Service Area:Provide services for 235 Countries/RegionsView MoreHide
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