BEYCLEAN is located in Dongguan where is know as the factory of the world, BEYCLEAN dedicated in R&D and manufacturing of portable water purifier. There are R&D department,product planning department, industrial design department,engineering department,manufacturing department,quality control department and customer service department.All the department synergies to provide extensive business including R&D.segment market development, product design, mould design, manufacturing, quality control and customer service.As the first professional portable water purifier manufacturer with advanced R&D and manufacturing capacity, BECLEAN is a credible and reputable company leading the portable water purification industry and providing resolution product and service for customer.BEYCLEAN is experiencing a rapid development with the support of many major customer, and we will continue to thrive and maintain the position as a pioneer in the future.2011-Start business as a company dedicating in portable water purifier R&D, retails , import&export.2013-Foundation of Dongguan manufacturing base, build up R&D team, production team and sales team.2015-The name BEYCLEAN is officially launched and the partnerships with famous companies are established.2016-Listed as an advanced technology company, obtained intelligent property certification and applied for more than 70 patents, becoming an outstanding supplier domestically and internationally.2020-Go public.
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Business License:Audited
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Laundry Mixer
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