We are an independent full-service exporter focusing on providing the best service to export the lighting from China to the world. We have been in lighting business for over 7 years.More recently, we have increased our LED lighting manufacturing lines to LED spot lamps, LED bulbs, LED ceiling lamps, LED tubes, LED panels, as well as LED outdoor lamps. Besides, we have our professional optical lab, and our engineers have master degree, with full knowledge in lighting area.Our mission is to support independent and good quality products in lighting area and advanced solution to give you an edge over your competitors in today's competitive world.We are a vibrant company. We have earned a reputation for providing excellent services and quality products with the can-do attitude.Contact us today to learn more!Choose the right partner. ESL lets you focus on your customers, assuring the most technically advanced lighting and processes.Our high quality service and products allow you to focus on running your business, not worrying about your supplier chain.
Company Information
Business License:Audited
Main Products:
Ceiling Lights
Service Area:Provide services for 0 Countries/RegionsView MoreHide
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